Months after her mom, Elaina, vanishes during a space mission, Camila receives an Orion, a device programmed with Elaina’s voice and memories. She soon discovers the device's connection to her mother runs far deeper than she imagined and could help her uncover the truth about what actually happened to her mother in the depths of space.
Xóchitl Gómez, an actress with Mexican roots, plays America Chavez in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Her talent and charm have won over Marvel fans, and she voiced Camila Aguilar in Faraway.
Melonie Diaz actriz conocida por su papel de Charmed. Ha aparecido en muchas películas independientes, incluyendo cuatro apariciones en el Festival de Cine de Sundance. dio voz a Elaina en Faraway.