
José Antonio Badía is a comedian, digital artist, actor, writer, and amateur paranormal researcher born and raised in the desert of Ciudad Juárez. His constant curiosity for criminology, the mysterious, the occult, and the macabre have driven him to mix his abilities and knowledge to create the podcast, Leyendas Legendarias. He is currently doing everything he liked when he was little -- but with an audience and a budget. He is also the host of El Dollop and Escuela Secreta.

Eduardo Espinosa is a pale comedian from Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. He started as a stand up comic at the age of 27, and from 28 to 32 he was the head writer and co-host of “El Late Night with Badía.” At 32 years old, he ventured into the world of podcasting with Leyendas Legendarias. When not saying politically incorrect things in front of the microphone, he enjoys music, video games, and saying politically incorrect things away from the microphone. He is also the host of El Dollop.

Mario Arturo López Capistrán, a.k.a El Borre, born in Ciudad Juárez, is known for being a divine, fluffy, and cruel creature. He lived all his life in Ciudad Juárez until he decided to embark on a journey all the way to the state of San Luis Potosí. When he returned to his beloved little Juarez, he dedicated himself to seeking the perfect glass of chocolate milk and, finally, found love from his new family: Leyendas Legendarias. Now a happily married father, he finally found what he always wanted: a job where he’s treated like a human being.