Somos Los Pichy Boys are the super-humorous duo made up of Cubans Alejandro González and Maikel Rodríguez. The Pichy Boys, who are cousins on their mother’s side, started making small videos back in 2007 for YouTube at their home, which gradually gained more views. Today, they have become international celebrities with their podcast, Somos Los Pichy Boys, along with their band of sidekicks.
Alejandro González began creating humorous videos on YouTube that captivated audiences with his funny voiceovers and parodies full of Latin flair. In addition to shining as a content creator, Alejandro has ventured into acting and production, establishing himself as a key figure in the Hispanic community of Miami.
Maikel Rodríguez, better known as Maikito, is Alejandro's cousin and his inseparable partner in the adventure that began in 2007: Los Pichy Boys. Together, they have captivated the Latin community with their humorous and charismatic content.