
Meet Mario Cortez, Host and founder of Vive con Huevos. Born and raised in San Diego, a Salvadorean-American with a passion for entrepreneurship. His journey into content creating and podcasting began in 2020, but the vision for the podcast goes beyond just talking into a mic, he wants the audience to be encouraged and motivated to start their passion projects and living a life of no regrets hence “vive con huevos”. He believes the best form of human connection is through human experience and what better way to leave a lasting impression to the viewers and listeners than by talking about his own life experiences and inviting guest that truly live by the brand.

Paulina, better known as Comadre Pau on Vive con Huevos, is a marketing manager, self proclaimed foodie, coffee enthusiast, and frenchie mom! When she’s not reading your chismecito, you might hear her talking about her health/fitness journey, the latest trends and pop culture updates, or her most recent obsession, planning hers and Mario’s wedding.

Jesus Solis Jr better known as Geezuss. Born & raised in sunny San Diego. He has an extensive 10+ years background in the finance industry, and is a content creator on Instagram & TikTok. He is an aspiring Twitch Streamer, live streaming his favorite video games to not only show off his competitive side but to build a safe place for casual community gaming. Anime advocate and a Disney connoisseur. If you have any Disney related questions including Marvel or Star Wars, please direct your questions to him.

Ruli aka Raul Millan de Tijuana BC Mexico para el Mundo. Passionate of all things sports with Baseball, Football and combat athletics as a staple in life. Lover of chisme, good wine and cheap beer. Always ready for a laugh and witty comebacks.